Poem Train
Phoenix said of the return is impossible in my heart nothing more than to leave the train and runs like a split Hebron melt Handmade neighing oh my foad even panting breathing heavy said his branches dams more the goad that may refer as soon as
Bct beautiful as moad to him in the Discussion ships letters I do not know him or of us memories of how flowing very load here are behind the windows in place of Beauties has analgesic sieves as woad and the sun appears in the afternoon a red forehead, behind the frontier that I for the night clothed in black palm Is toad, Oh my soul Speaking to the dimensions and fresh distracted optimal with
train in the long road
Mahmoud el-Ayat
محمود العياط
ديوان شجر الرتم شجر الخيانة
collection of poems
water sound
A river of rock